A short introduction to the Spanish Way of Saint Olav


The European Way of Saint Olav is a route network which covers 5000 km., 2000 of them are in Norway, and the most popular route is the one that starts at the Mariakirken ruins in Middelalderparken, Olso, and gets to Nidaros in Trondheim, with a distance of about 650 km.

The sanctified kingOlav Haraldsson was buried in Trondheim in 1030. Nidaros Cathedral was erected over his tomb and the city was during four centuries a pilgrimage center for people in search of consolation, help and health.

With the protestant revolts and reforms, the route fell into disuse, as the devotion to saints was forbidden, but, even so, the pilgrimage to Saint Olav’s rests continued.

The old pilgrimage route from Oslo to Nidaros cathedral in Trondheim reopened in the summer of 1997. From then on, a great deal of people have walked to this old pilgrimage center.

Along the route you can see medieval and viking buildings and enjoy a virgin nature of glaciers, fiords, northern lights and hundred-year-old woods.





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