Revilla del Campo

Revilla del Campo

The names of Revilla and del Campo are very typical of Castile. According to documents the name of Castile is written for the first time in 800 in Taranco, a village located in the Mena valley, in the north of Burgos province, eighty years later than the beginning of the Reconquest by Pelayo in Covadonga, Asturias.


It is here where that powerful focus of resistance and aggressiveness begins, being shared equally in Cantabria and the north of Burgos province. The liberating Castile was born there. Its advance was slow, but firm, with enormous sacrifice, perseverance and human lives, which spread all over the Spanish geography.

In 884, after the conquest of la Bureba and a part of the Sierra de la Demanda with the rivers Oja and Tirón and soon the basin and valleys of the river Arlanzon, the city of Burgos is founded like an inexpugnable rock. From here and the eastern mountains the Reconquest will advance to the Arlanza basin and to the southeastern zone of the monastery of San Pedro de Cardeña.

From 900 on new villages appear and among them Revilla del Campo, Revillasuso and Quintanalara, although the exact year of their foundation cannot be dated. In the vicinity of both Revillas important archeologic remains of the old Lara cultures have been found, but they have not been studied yet from a scientific point of view.

In the Diccionario Histórico-Geográfico of Madoz, 1845-1850, you can read these words referred to Revilla del Campo: “several inscriptions and antiquities that indicate it was a relevant place for Romans”.


The word Revilla comes from the Latin “Ripilla”, “Ripiella”…, a diminutive of the Latin “ripa” or the Castilian “riba”, that means “bank, embankment, hillocks near the water, etc. As far as the surname del Campo is concerned, it can neither be clearer nor more Castilian. It is located ten kilometers far from the Sierra de la Demanda and placed among their hills, small narrow valleys, remote places, parched sides… and suddenly a true valley opens like an inverted zed, with more than one league long and three kilometers wide, with the typical connotation given by geologists: a true trough, open very soon to the wavy and vast Castilian plateau, from where we can appreciate the truth of the saying: “ancha es Castilla”, which means how vast Castile is. Two little rivers, in Lara and Revillasuso, flowing from southeast to northeast, fertilize its lands, being the sustenance of a lot of flour mills. Mazueco de Lara, in the east; Quintanalara, in the south; Cubillo del Campo and San Quirce, in the west; and finally Los Ausines, in the west and northwest.


When the history of Revilla del Campo begins in the Castile of the earl Fernán González and successors, who enjoy some autonomy, the most part of the land had remained untilled for almost two centuries until it was freed completely from the Arab control. We should underline the fertility of fields due to their long rest, of the river valley and of all the small sheltered valleys in its four cardinal points. All of them were lands to see later tilled, in the splendour of May, June and July, full of colours and penetrating fragrances, with its rye being swayed softly by the wind like a green sea, the white of barleys, the gold of the wheat, the chequer of so many different crops, with the edges and slopes full of wide flowers and the “lazy” fields, red with poppies.

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